Mobile Contracting: Are Consumers Getting What They Want?

With a majority of Americans using smartphones as their main entry point to the online world, consumer expectations of access to financial services from their mobile devices are on the rise. Financial institutions are finding more and more that mobile options for consumers are not options at all but instead are imperatives to business success. 
So just how comfortable are consumers with using a mobile device to review, understand, and sign actual legal documents?
Join Ken Moyle of K6 Partners and host Joe Hopper, Ph.D. of Versta Research for a free one hour webinar on Tuesday, September 12 at 2PM CST as we analyze two independent studies on consumer preferences, behaviors and expectations.

This is your opportunity to enhance your digital electronic signature strategies through direct insight into today’s consumer needs, behaviors and desires when it comes to online and mobile eSignatures. 

Register here. It's free.


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